Sunday, May 4, 2008


I checked out Bill Shrinks: This mashup helps you discover mobile phone plans that meet your personal usage requirements, with the best signal quality, at the lowest cost. The results are plotted on Google. Wow, this really helps--I'm paying twice the price that I should with my account at
Verizon. Looks like I will definitely have to switch as soon as I can thanks to the Bill Shrinks mashup.
The comments in Rollyo give me the feeling that privacy is looked at in
a different way than it used to be. Many of the younger library users desire to be seen, discovered, and wish to exploit library technology as much as possible--a comfortable match for Web 2.0 technology.

Friday, April 25, 2008


YouTube offers a convenient way to reach out to the largest mass of patrons in the Library and outside of its' walls. YouTube offers anyone with an internet connection the ability to upload video clips and share them with colleagues and the world all for free. One of the biggest advantages is the ability to upload videos on any topic in any format.
The advantages to using this software to promote your Library are amazing. You can also add the video to your blog or send the video to a cell phone to provide easy access anywhere. I would like to make a Library film promoting the various services that we offer, load them to YouTube, and then make the link available on its Website for its patrons.
This could be very beneficial: patrons who need help when the Library is unavailable, an instruction method for distance education students, and another method for directing possible patrons to the library catalog.

Podcasting enables Libraries to disseminate news and information, provide audio tours of the Library, and to make the audio portion of
Library programming available to the world. I would really like to use podcasting to update the old video collection that I have--there is a lot available for a minimal budget.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

sunflower 4

sunflower 4
Originally uploaded by sbmf03
Flickr is terrific!!
I've been given a new project to digitize and organize archival material for my institution. I thought I would use Access.
But I can see that Flickr is a much better way to go about starting
this project. I can digitize and than have others edit--some of the images don't have labels so I don't know how to identify the contents.
But with web 2.0 technology I can get the editing help that I need.
I was really impressed with the Library of Congress application of
Flickr listed in week 6.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Is this the future of all software products?
Yes--because software such as Google docs promotes collaboration among different parts of an
organization, as well as connecting people from different parts of the world.
I'm thinking how valuable for me to be able to brainstorm with a colleague, restructure a
paragraph, make changes, save the version, hit refresh, and rework the article until we
have it right. This type of writing together would tighten attention and lessen the amount
of time needed to write an article or document. Turnaround time would be significantly
improved--no more rationalizations that slow traditional multiauthored pieces.
It is also much easier to make changes directly onscreen in a way that everyone can see.
Also, this type of software is great for working at home--a nice advantage since corporate
systems can be extremely slow to access remotely. And some systems ban sending word
documents as attachments to a web-based e-mail.
Also, Google docs ensures that you retain access to documents even after you leave an organization.
I suspect that the really big gains in collaborative and social software will be made in the future: not in teams who are on opposite sides of a continent, but by those teams whose members work closely in different departments of an organization.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I really like the idea that Social Bookmarking is turning information processing
upside down--no longer from the top down but from the millions of people using the internet. I also find Social Bookmarking, i.e.,, to
be a great organizational tool, the one stop shopping idea--just click on the icon in the browser and I'm where I need to be. At this point, I see to be more helpful with accessing information for personal use,
politics, hobbies, etc. I'm not sure how useful it would be if I use it for some
of the literature request searches I get--these searches tend to be very technical.
Once I feel more confident in using I will move on and use
Citeulike and Connotea for the more professional information requests that I
receive--and expect it to be very helpful!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Impressions and Experiences with Social Networking:
I was impressed with the Library links. The Libraries that were chosen
as good examples of those who have utilized social networking in their
websites. The sites are very appealing, user friendly, and offer the tech savvy lots of opportunities. These sites would also meet the expectations
of the typical Library user who is under the age of 30.
I would like to see my institution have a page on Facebook or MySpace.
However, this probably would be difficult to do because as soon as I tried
to get on to these two websites a popup message came up saying that this
would be reported to Administration—i.e., Facebook and MySpace are
banned and blocked at South Bend Medical Foundation. I would say that
dealing with the IT department here is a challenge and don’t think they
would change their policy anytime soon.
SBMF Administration would also be very focused on the privacy concerns for individuals and would not want to get involved in the legal questions that
could arise from the usage of Facebook and MySpace.
As for personally using Facebook and MySpace-- I don’t think that privacy
concerns are a problem unless you are dealing with individuals under the age of 18. As in most cases, proceed with caution, would be my advice.
Social networking for MLA members to connect could be a nice advantage to using the social networking tools. This could be helpful after attending
May 2008 MLA in Chicago and wanting to further communicate with a member that you have met there. Also, I think you make yourself look more professional if you try to increase your visibility through social networking tools.
I will definitely be spending more time on utilizing the social networking tools highlighted in this class—this definitely could be helpful in exploring more career opportunities!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Wiki vs. Blog

The open style of a wiki can be useful for group projects, while a blog may aid in
brainstorming or generating discussion. The main difference between a wiki and
a blog becomes the layout and organization of information. A wiki becomes a continually modifiable easy-access web page, while a blog’s journalistic style
catalog and dates content so readers can see the interchange of ideas related to
the blog topic in question. A blog is personal, less collaborative, a posting is
owned by the poster and text is considered to be static. A wiki is open to
collaboration and is considered public space. The aim of a wiki is to create documents
(individual pages as well as the entire wiki/web) and tends towards expressing
ideas as relationships between pages.
In my institution, a wiki could be used for internal communication between the
Library and the different departments that it serves. The wiki could also function
as a repository of the different documents that are used to educate the staff on how to best utilize the many resources available to them in the Library.
I am most interested in the use of the blog as a means of obtaining information,comments, and communication on the topic of gardening native plants in the Midwest

Friday, March 14, 2008


This is a terrific class! I can go at my own speed, and get up to date on Web 2.0 technology.
So far, the most useful tool has been to learn about RSS feeds for PubMed searches--the
doctors at my facility will really like this! And what is best is that I can really apply this information for my own interests and personal projects.
Also, we have students who do rotations at my facility--they will love these tools too!


In order to keep current, like many librarians I had all of the web sites that I visited daily bookmarked (about 50) in my browser at work and I would painstakingly visit each site throughout the day. Of course there were days that visiting each site was not possible (on very busy days I was lucky to get to one). And if three days went by without reading these favorites, I would get too bogged down trying to catch up. This was all before I was introduced to the wonderful world of RSS feeds. Now, I get almost all of the content I want from all of these sites delivered to one place as soon as the site is updated, saving precious time. The most amazing part is that I am notified when any of the sites I subscribe to are updated within minutes.
Patrons could use RSS feeds to keep up-to-date on their research results from PubMed.
They could also subscibe to RSS feeds on the journals that are of most interest to them.
Or, they could select a topic and get the most current information available through RSS feeds.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

This blog will be specializing in information about native garden perennials.

I like to focus on such plants as black eyed susans, milk weed, and joe pye weed.

Plants that will make the gardener happy!!